Friday, November 16, 2007

Not sure how to get attention

I am still here. All alone, but still here. Have been really busy, but still haven't had much time to do many crafts. It is Christmas time though, and soon, I will making Christmas presents. Not a lot, but I like to stick a few homemade ones in here and there.
If anyone drops by, let me know how your projects are coming? Christmas is only a blink away.
See you next time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Another week has flown by

Just so I don't forget what I am doing...I am posting a picture of an Easter basket I made last Easter. I think it turned out really well.

Another week has gone by....and still noone has found my blog.
This could prove to be very lonely.
I have been really busy this week, and haven't had much time for any hoo....

Well, I keep telling my self that winter is on the way, and then there won't be anything else to do, but I guess I will just enjoy the good weather while I can, and catch up with the crafts lately.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Well, this is a new beginning for me. I decided to start a blog. I really don't have any idea what this will be all about, but I hope to learn something, and get some new ideas and friends.

So pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and let's chat.....

I like crafts, dolls, watching tv, cake decorating, scrapbooking....Just to name a few.

As a matter of fact, I made my first wedding cake a couple weekends ago, for my sister's wedding. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but never had a clue it would be as much work as it was.

It turned out pretty well, I go lots of compliments.

Here is a picture for you to see. Now keep in mind I am not a professional and this was my first one.

I did get a lot of help from a really nice lady on the Wilton Forum site.

Enough for now...
