Friday, September 10, 2010

Just a quick note. I am off to work today. Isn't it amazing how fast those two days off fly? Not that I don't enjoy every minute of it, but whew...they are gone and now It's work again. Now mind you, I am glad to have a job in this day and age, but still who wouldn't rather be home making crafts. I definitely would...LOL!!!
I went to the library yesterday, and found some really nice craft books to look over. What a nice day. I came home and had so much fun looking them over and trying to decide what I wanted to make first. The day before, I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up a few really nice things to help in making some crafts. Started on a Christmas present. I Love to Craft, just in case anyone ever wonders. It has been a really nice crafty two days off.

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