Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Woo hooooooo Turkey day is almost here. How am I going to manage that with this bypass surgery????? Should be interesting...LOL!!! I will just have to be a good girl, and have a bite of 5 or 6 things! No matter what, the food will be good and the company will be better. I will be having dinner with my family. That is something to be grateful for.
I will miss my Dad. Holidays are just not quite the same without him, but we still love and miss him. We find it helps to talk about him. I think it makes us feel like even though he isn't with us in body, he is still there in our hearts.
Mom is still with us, and though she is in a lot of pain she still seems to be in good spirits most of the time. Thank you Lord for giving us more time to spend with her. We are grateful for every single day.
Enjoy your turkey everyone. Have a happy turkey day.

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