Friday, April 30, 2010

bypass journey

Well, here I am again, and it has now been 11 days. Wow, time flies, even when you are not having fun... Well, I have to be honest and say I have had a little fun. I have been making some crafts, and that is always fun. I will make it a new goal to see if I can't get some pictures posted today or soon.
On to the journey though...I am feeling better in some ways, and not so in others. Suffice it to say, that I have had some problems. I had to call the doctor, and was told what to now I am hoping improvements will come. I have lost three pounds every day since I got home from the operation. Today however, I stayed the same. That makes a total of 19 pds, which is pretty good in 10 days.
Today, I have all these twinges and sharp little pains in my stomach. If they get worse, I guess I will have to call the doctor again...I hate to be a pest, but I would hate even more to have something be wrong.
When I burp (bring up gas I guess would be more delicate) I seem to taste food I ate two days ago. This doesn't seem like a good thing. Just call me worry wart!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Surgery memories of gastric bypass

Since this is somewhat of a journal, I thought that I would throw in here that the worst moment I can recall of this whole journey, was the moment I woke up in the recovery room. There was a nurse standing over me, and asking me where I hurt. I can barely get out a sound at this point and it feels like it is coming from someone else. Of course, I say..My stomach, and my back. "Well," she says to me..." you just had surgery on your stomach and was on a hard stretcher for a few hours, of course your stomach and back hurt." So now, I want to hit this nurse and ask her what did you ask me for if I wasn't supposed to tell you? But I am not moving or even hardly talking I just groan. This of course does not seem to please this miserable recovery nurse who gives me a dirty look. Now of all the places you would want a caring, and thoughtful nurse, wouldn't recovery be one of them. OOOOhhhh....did she make me mad! Too bad I wasn't with it enough to take names....I would like to ask her if she didn't think she could adjust her attitude a little better for waking patients....What a world!

New day...why don't I feel better?????

Ok, well here we go with another post on gastric bypass. I am at the point where I really need to be feeling better, but just don't. Well, to be perfectly honest, in some ways I do. However, my stomach seems to be getting more tender instead of less. Leave it to me to take the hard road...LOL!!! I am not sure how much more protein drinks that I can take. Now normally, a chocolate shake would tast good once in a while. For some reason, there is definitely a difference. Can't imagine why.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

More on the journey....

I did finally manage to get out for a few minutes and the weather was nice. It did seem good, but after three garage sales, and the dollar store..I was tired and ready to go home. Very shortly, I feel a nap coming on. Me, who never takes naps because they are a waste of time!!!!
First, however, I would like to share some thoughts on my surgery. As soon as the date was given to me, I had some misgivings and nervousness. It is surgery, so I feel that to be perfectly normal. I kept hearing one question over and over, that I thought was a little odd, but understood where it was coming from..."Are you getting excited?" I can honestly say, that there was not one point where I was actually excited. I was and still am, looking forward to starting my eating journey anew. This time around I will treat my baby stomach sooooooo much better. That is the plan.

The gastric bypass journey.

I know it has been forever since I posted here, but i thought now was a good time.
I have had gastric bypass surgery. Today is my 5th day. My stomach is in some pretty good discomfort. Not severe pain, as the doctor's office calls it, but discomfort. I am supposed to drink 60 grams of protein a day, and I am lucky to get down 18-20. They shrunk my won't hold much more than three swallows an hour without a trip.
I am going to get dressed in a few minutes, and see if getting out helps me feel better. Ready to try something different.
I will try to be back and fill in more details later.