Saturday, November 27, 2010

Phew!!!! Another Black Friday over and done. Are you a Black Friday shopper? I do not have the patience to wait in those horrifically long lines. It amazes me that anyone does. Now some of the deals I admit are very good, but I would just have to go without. I wait until the rush is over, and if it is left then I will get it, and if its not well...too bad for me.
Today is another wonderful day with a clean slate for me to fill. I am excited to see what wonders will unfold.
Have a beautiful day after black Friday everyone.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Wow...had a wonderful thanksgiving day. Was a little tired...but the who wouldn't be. All my food turned out great, except the brown and serve rolls that I burned on the bottom and were as hard as rocks...oh well something had to go wrong...LOL!!!
At least it wasn't something important.
Thank you Lord for a wonderful day. Missed my Dad something fierce, but I know that he would have been proud of us and happy that we were happy.
Well, off to work for the "yearly event " at wally world. I hope everyone gets what they need to start off their Christmas shopping.
Have a wonderful day all...I am planning on it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Woo hooooooo Turkey day is almost here. How am I going to manage that with this bypass surgery????? Should be interesting...LOL!!! I will just have to be a good girl, and have a bite of 5 or 6 things! No matter what, the food will be good and the company will be better. I will be having dinner with my family. That is something to be grateful for.
I will miss my Dad. Holidays are just not quite the same without him, but we still love and miss him. We find it helps to talk about him. I think it makes us feel like even though he isn't with us in body, he is still there in our hearts.
Mom is still with us, and though she is in a lot of pain she still seems to be in good spirits most of the time. Thank you Lord for giving us more time to spend with her. We are grateful for every single day.
Enjoy your turkey everyone. Have a happy turkey day.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just a quick say hello...and thank God I am alive. I had a few bad days last week...won't go into details, but just suffice it to say....I am glad it's over. Now life it good...Christmas is coming, and after today I am off for two days. Yay!!!! That means I get to spend time with family, and maybe friends. Those are the best times...and I love spending time with family and friends. Life is good, God is great...and I am looking forward to this day. Smile is catching.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Here goes another quick update on the life and times of Darlene. It is going to be another beautiful day...I just know it. Off to work, then a housewarming party for a friend with my sister...and then bed so I can off to work tomorrow...LOL!!!! Sounds fairly painless. No crafts to post...I have to take time to take the pictures. Sometimes...there is so much to do and just not enough time...but that means I am not bored. Don't you agree? Have a happy day all.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas present

These are my felt cupckes. Don't they look good enough to eat? I have named them lemon meringue, red velvet, keylime, vanilla delight, and dark chocolate cream and milk chocolate cream...what do you think? Isn't some little girl going to just have a ball playing with these? Tea party here we come.

Here are some close up shots...They still don't show off the pretty beads as well as they could. Maybe when I take shots of the rest of them, I will take them with the wrap off and the beads will show up better. We live and learn

These are my bottle charms that I created. I needed something to put on my bottle of water when I put it in the refrigerator at work, so that I would know which bottle was mine when I came back to drink it later. This is what I came up with. Don't you just love the bottle I made to hang them on...LOL!!! These just hang over the neck of your bottle, and they have your name on them. I had a friend at work who liked them so well, she asked me to make her 4 of them. This is what I did on my day off while I was suffering from a stinking cold. Thank goodness for zicam. I could feel worse...Not feeling very good, but better than I could be.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Such a slacker!!!!

I love writing to my blog, but I just get so busy that I forget. I had a wonderful day off yesterday. I got up and made caramel corn. Then I took 1/4 of the caramel corn, and covered it with orange candy melts. Then I took another 1/4 and covered it with green candy melts. When I tell you this turned out delicious...I am not kidding. The only thing I forgot, was to put peanuts in it. Oh well, it tastes so good that noone will miss the peanuts. I made boxes and when I get home from work this morning, I am going to fill the boxes and deliver them to my family. Yay!!!!! They were supposed to be for Halloween...better late than my philosophy.(If only you could see my sheepish smile)
Well, off to get ready for work.
Have a great day...I plan on it.