Sunday, August 21, 2011

The weight loss journey.

Just thought I'd quicky say...the gastric bypass journey is still and ongoing thing...LOL! I lost one more pound, but that is after gaining 4 of them back. I believe they were water pounds, because I bought some of those little packs of stick pretzels. 120 calories per pack. I ate one pack one day, and the next day...I had gained 2 pds. Now mind you everything else I ate was pretty much as usual. The next day, I ate 1 more pack and gained another pd. One more pack the next day and one more pd. Well, at this point I decided that pretzels are my enemy...and have not eaten the other packs. In the next three days..(yes, even with a water pill it took me three days ) to lose that water wieght, plus one more pd.(not only the water pill, but iced tea, and watermelon...)
I have decided that even though pretzels are lower in fat...they are not a friend to me. No more pretzels...No more more.......I will try really hard...LOL.

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